Save as PDF

From: Dom Lachowicz <>
Date: Fri Aug 05 2005 - 04:49:35 CEST

This is something that's been asked for a million
times if it's been asked for once. The Unix build now
has Save As->PDF and Save As->Postscript as export
options. Since it's based around GnomePrint at the
moment, it's Unix-only.

I recognize that this is close to the release date,
and its inclusion is likely to cause controversy. In
that case, please just comment out the code until
post-release. I won't be offended. But, the code is
relatively benign - if saving to file ever worked, and
the Unix printing stuff ever worked, this is
guaranteed to work. This would be a really cool 2.4
feature that might win us some converts.


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Received on Fri Aug 5 04:48:49 2005

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