AbiWord 2.4 Splash Screen and Windows Icons

From: <abiryan_at_ryand.net>
Date: Tue Aug 30 2005 - 18:32:01 CEST

Hello everybody! As 2.4 seems to be drawing closer every day, I thought
it would be good to put the final touches on my art for 2.4 and reveal
it to the world. As always, my Abi page at
http://www.cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/ is the home to everything
interesting Abi that I do, including the new art. This time around, I
have the following artifacts for you all:

Splash Screen - based on the idea behind the 2.3 screen that received a
more positive response than I imagined. It's been redone and polished
a bit more. The About dialog image will be based on this and arrive
shortly - just have some stuff to take care of first.

Windows 32- and 48-px icons - These will replace the slightly awkward
Swoosh A with Pen icons on Windows at these image sizes. The 16-px
icon is being left alone because it's just a nice Swoosh A.

Promotional Wallpaper - This is an idea I must partially credit Craig in
#abiword for... He wanted the Abi art to make a wallpaper, and so I
took it upon myself to make my own wallpaper using the SVG art for 2.4.
 I also think the right side (the smallest white rounded rectangle)
would make a nifty poster design for conventions or whatever. I can
separate that out for that purpose if anyone wants it now or in the

I hope you enjoy this art and include it in our 2.4 release!


Ryan Pavlik
Graphic Designer and Windows Packager
AbiSource Community
Received on Tue Aug 30 18:35:36 2005

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