Re: Generic Embeddable plugins.

From: Hubert Figuiere <>
Date: Fri Jan 14 2005 - 00:54:10 CET

On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 10:43 +1100, wrote:

> They would simply use the snapshot (either png or svg).

I preview to use the word "preview". It is less confusing.

> Jean can implement an embed bonobo-component plugin,
> I can write a MathML plugin,
> Dom can write netscape-plugin, plugin
> A KDE dev could write a K-parts plugin.
> If the plugin is not available, you use the snapshot. I see no reason why
> Jean writing a bonobo-plugin should hurt OSX or Windows.

OK. I'm not sure we think of it the right we. We must integrate in our
framework, in the XP side, infrastructure for embedding, and then
provide in the platform code, binding to the platform embedding. That
would mean OLE2 on Windows, Bonobo on GNOME, nothing on Gtk-only, and
nothing on MacOS X unles we find someting, because MacOS X is really
retarded on that matter.

This is not a plugin. This IN AbiWord. And this is the route to follow.


Crazy French -
Received on Fri Jan 14 00:55:43 2005

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