Generic Embeddable plugins, Take 2

From: J.M. Maurer <>
Date: Fri Jan 14 2005 - 21:09:48 CET

After reading the whole Embedding thread, I think 'we' are confusing
some things.

1) The way martin plans to implement the Math plugin is *not* embedding
components. Martin's proposed API combined with a C api for the rest of
AbiWord presents a nice framework for future abiword plugins to use. It
would allow them to tightly integrate with AbiWord (such as the math
plugin) using a stable API (unlike we have now).

2) The embedding issue is a totally different problem. Embeddable
components would (generally speaking) not use anything from Abi such as
the Graphics classes, at all. Furthermore they will be running most
likely totally out of process. This means those embedded components will
NOT be tightly integrated with AbiWord. This is a feature, not a bug. If
you want really tight integrated plugins, use 1).

I might be totally off here, as i've been away a lot and have little
time to research everything as much as I would like. If I am, then
sorry. Just ignore me.

Received on Fri Jan 14 21:09:45 2005

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