AbiWord Development Installer for Windows

From: Ryan Pavlik <abiryan_at_ryand.net>
Date: Wed Jul 20 2005 - 07:37:02 CEST

Hello all! I have managed to reinstall Windows on my new system here,
and did produce a binary of a tag from a tarball that isn't publicly
linked yet but those who talk a lot know that it's there, available on
my web site at
I have tested this binary - it was made with MingW/MSYS on Windows XP
32-bit. If the appropriately-enabled personnel could put it up, I'm
sure our Windows build could use some testing.

(purposely obfuscated that sentence so that I don't end up polluting
Google like I accidentally did prior to another release. this one's
small, but I'm cautious.)

Along these lines, I hope to be able to provide binaries in the future
for Windows. However, I'm having difficulty getting the hang of
building the plugins and their installers. The instructions I found on
KJD's site don't work, and I tried a variety of incantations involving
the "dependencies" on our file server, none of which absolved me of my
build errors. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Ryan Pavlik
Received on Wed Jul 20 07:36:30 2005

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