Abi Chinese advert (Was Re: More RTF importer...)

From: Roland Kay <roland.kay_at_ox.compsoc.net>
Date: Sat Jun 04 2005 - 03:31:38 CEST

Hi Rob,

Here's a screenshot of Abi editing Chinese. :-)

I fear it may be a little early for advertising though. I'm sure there are
lots of CJK issues not yet sorted out (such as justification). Another I
can think of is that Chinese users don't like to use numbers to specify
the font size. I'm sure there are more.

When producing this screenshot I had two problems.

1) The image would always display about an inch higher than where it was
placed. Thus, when I selected it it would jump to the correct position,
but then jump upwards again when I selected the text.

2) I wasn't allowed a font size larger than 42 points.

Best wishes,


Received on Sat Jun 4 14:29:45 2005

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