itex2MML on Windows!

From: Ryan Pavlik <>
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 04:58:33 CET

Hello AbiWord dev list and Mr. Gartside! As preparation for the
equation support in AbiWord, I have gotten itex2MML[1] to compile on
Windows (with MingW32/MSYS) with minimal modifications. The two files,
lex.yy.c and, simply need an "#include <string.h>" added to the
beginning of them, then the standard makefile can be used to "make"
itex2MML.exe. With the input of the file test.tex containing "\[x^2\]"
and the command line "cat test.tex | itex2MML.exe", the following output
was received:
<math xmlns='' mode='display'>
<msup><mi>x</mi> <mn>2</mn></msup>


I wasn't able to fully understand why the include already in
wasn't working on my platform, nor how someone could compile lex.yy.c
without including string.h somewhere, so my change might not be fully
correct cross-platform (I need to brush up on my C and C++). However,
it _did_ work on Windows XP, with fairly recent MingW32 and MSYS that
also builds Abi just fine, so I think that's good news!


Ryan Pavlik
"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."  --Confucius
Received on Tue Mar 8 04:58:23 2005

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