Re: Commit: PDF import plugin

From: Ryan Pavlik <>
Date: Fri Mar 18 2005 - 00:34:06 CET

Dom Lachowicz wrote:

>>Would trying to seek interest in PDF->RTF be valid?
>>I don't know how
>>well RTF supports positioned objects like our Text
>>Boxes/Frames, but if
>>that isn't in the cards, RTF might be acceptable.
>Could you rephrase that please? I don't understand
>what you're asking but would like to answer your
>question :)
I'm just wondering if it would be valid to ask the Poppler user
community to help develop PDF->RTF, instead of just you (or other
AbiFolk) working on making the PDF->TXT support what we want or
developing a custom PDF->ABW.

Ryan Pavlik
"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."  --Confucius
Received on Fri Mar 18 00:34:15 2005

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