Re: CVS: commit msevior abi/src/text/ptbl/xp pd_Document.cpp

From: Dominic Lachowicz <>
Date: Sat Dec 30 2006 - 19:44:25 CET

> Implement two new methods for AbiWidget, which can be used to extract content from the
> widget in any form that abi can export to.
> gchar * abi_widget_get_content_all(AbiWidget * w, gchar * mimetype);
> gchar * abi_widget_get_content_selection(AbiWidget * w, gchar * mimetype);

What happens when the user asks for binary ODF documents, with
embedded NULLs? You need an "out gsize * length" parameter that tells
you how large the content is.


Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
Received on Sat Dec 30 19:45:02 2006

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