Re: Community outreach conclusions?

From: Ryan Pavlik <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 2006 - 22:53:40 CEST

Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
> Op wo, 26-07-2006 te 12:10 -0500, schreef Ryan Pavlik:
>> stuff, not just feature catchup (since we have all the essential
>> features down pat now).
> I hate to rain on your parade, and I'm excited by the new developments
> as much as you are, but no.
> I consider styles an essantial feature for word processors and using
> styles in Abiword is, to put it euphemistically, rather problematic.
> Before you ask: yes, I have filed bugs as I encountered them. No,
> writing patches goes way above my head.
> regards,
Thanks for the feedback - I agree that styles are an important thing.
Most people don't use them, however, and I think some usability
enhancement in this area could help that a lot. I know a live-preview
styles menu was in the works, but it causes some other collateral
problems and so was shelved. A review of the styles interface would be
useful, since I think the raw power is there, it's just not presented
elegantly or terribly useably.

Progress is a gradual process, and it's unlikely that one program will
ever satisfy everyone's personal list of "essential features" - see my
latest post [1] to the ACOP blog for a bit more about this.



Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer:
AbiWord Community Outreach Project:
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Received on Wed Jul 26 22:53:04 2006

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