Command line printing

From: Dominic Lachowicz <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 2006 - 17:02:04 CET

I was hoping to get rid of the old printer driver on *NIX and solely
use gnome-print. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any public
API for enumerating printers or telling a GnomePrintJob to print to
some specific printer. At best, we might convince GnomePrint to print
to the default printer, but we have no idea if there is even a
physical printer plugged in.

If Jody or someone else runs across this message and can explain to me
how to do this, I'd be very grateful. Until then, we still need our
crappy PSGraphics class.


"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our
children's children, because I don't think children should be having
sex." -Jack Handy
Received on Sun Nov 19 17:04:51 2006

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