Bug 10623 [Was Re: CVS: commit dom abi/src/wp/impexp/xp ie_exp_HTML.cpp]

From: Dominic Lachowicz <domlachowicz_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed Nov 29 2006 - 13:52:13 CET

Regarding bug 10623, there's still the issue of how to best handle
this for RTF export. Currently, we create a custom "abiembed" RTF
object, but don't actually export the object's contents. This is
completely broken, except for maybe copy+paste within the same

For reference, HTML now exports an <object> tag with an embedded <img>
tag, so that user agents can display the object if they have a viewer
for it, or the image version of the object, as a fallback.

We should try to do something similar for RTF, because right now,
neither the object nor an image version of it are being exported. This
is unacceptable dataloss. Nor can we assume that (eg.) MSWord knows
how to render a GOChart object.

Martin's and Hub's opinions on how to address this are solicited and


Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
Received on Wed Nov 29 13:53:50 2006

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