Today in UI

From: Robert Staudinger <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 2006 - 13:52:27 CEST


i have been (probably rightfully) accused of lacking sensitivity wrt
user interface changes. Possible reasons apart from the one just
mentioned may include that (1) some people like using HEAD for day to
day use, (2) i sometimes prefer to commit ui changes instead of
sending screenshots so stuff can be discussed better and (3) abiword
doesn't have a tradition of intrusive UI changes (not that i'm working
on such a history).
So, Alan and everyone who felt that my decisions and/or accompanying
choice of words was inappropriate please accept my sincere apologies.
The related IRC log is available from here:

Ongoing work of making styles easier to use:
I'm having this feeling for some time that our styles toolbar combo is
overpopulated (a patch for that which considered lacking was rolled
back already on the way to 2.4).
Now I think I have come up with a better solution that
+ adds a "bool isDisplayed" property to PD_Style instances
+ marks "internal" styles like those for TOC as "not displayed"
+ marks some bullet- and number styles "not displayed" so only 2 of
each show up in the style dropdown by default. I think showing 2-3 of
each bullet/numbered styles is enough. The other bullet/numbering
styles are still available from the "Create and Modify Styles" dialog
and, once used, show up in the styles combo.
This is currently gtk-only, let me know what you think. IMO it makes
styles easier to use because they can be spotted easily in the combo.
For a full listing with helpful categories we have the Martin's cool
stylist tool anyways. Please let me know what you think.

In addition to that I have named the toolbar combos so they can be
themed to look similar to before for those preferring backward compat.
Add the following to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0
style "abi-toolbar-combos" {
widget "*.AbiFontCombo" style "abi-toolbar-combos"
widget "*.AbiStyleCombo" style "abi-toolbar-combos"
widget "*.AbiZoomCombo" style "abi-toolbar-combos"
Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in gtk that prevents the font
combo from working properly that way.

Finally Benjamin Berg was so kind to add the abiword stock icons to
his reference for themers:

Received on Tue Oct 10 13:54:30 2006

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