Re: Moving some plugins back into the main tree?

From: Dominic Lachowicz <>
Date: Thu Jan 04 2007 - 20:11:08 CET

> DocBook, WML and XSL-FO are markup languages if I'm correct. I don't
> understand at all why anyone would want to use markup languages inside a
> word processor like Abiword?

Not so much for importing and editing, but for exporting. We export
HTML too, which is a markup language. It's in the main tree. And we'd
be skewered alive if we removed it. It's arguably one of our most
useful features.

> Don't know what OpenWriter is, but StarWriter is legacy now that
> StarOffice uses OpenDocument. If it's legacy and unlikely to be used,
> just keep it in the plugins.

OpenWriter was the file-format predecessor to OpenDocument. It came
between StarWriter and OpenDocument. It has a lot in common with

> Off-topic, but related to file formats: the Abiword file format is split
> into normal (.abw), template (.awt), gzip compressed (.zabw) and bzip
> compressed (.bzabw). Why 3 differrent formats? If OpenDocument files use
> compression by default, why can't Abiword do the same for .abw and
> dump .zabw and .bzabw?

We're considering doing that in the 2.5.0 development series. I had
changed it to emit compressed files by default, with an option to turn
it off. I'm not sure if someone (including myself - the last few weeks
have been a blur) has changed that back.

And OpenDocument's compression is an artifact of them basing their
file formats around the ZIP archive standard.


Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
Received on Thu Jan 4 20:11:39 2007

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