Re: RFC: Single Windows Installer

From: John T. Haller <>
Date: Tue Jun 10 2008 - 08:47:08 CEST

Martin Sevior wrote:
> Hi John,
> The plugins always get updated with the main tree. We
> never release one without the other.
> The package that Ryan is offering significantly enhances the user
> experience for your users though. They now get a number of really
> useful plugins by default including the Open Office and Word Perfect
> filters as well as the killer new feature for AbiWord-2.6.
> Direct access to
> We're very aware and appreciative of your distribution. I think have
> the opportunity to increase it by an order of magnitude with
> Cheers
> Martin

Howdy Martin,

We actually currently bundle the OpenDocument plugin with AbiWord
Portable and have from the beginning (as most users of
use Portable and we encourage them to use open standard
formats). AbiWord Portable ships with a specialized
Installer (not the standard AbiWord installer) that doesn't support
multiple options for plugins. So, AbiWord Portable would be bundled
with the default plugins that AbiWord has enabled on a standard install
going forward. All UPX compressed to save space as usual. That part is

The issue is if a user wants to add additional plugins that aren't
included. Currently, they can use the AbiWord plugin installer and add
what they'd like (without it being UPX compressed of course). If the
AbiWord plugins were only available as part of the AbiWord installer,
then an AbiWord Portable end user wouldn't be able to add additional
plugins (without installing AbiWord and then the plugins they want
locally and then manually copying files from it to AbiWord Portable
which they can only do when logged into a PC as an admin... which they
usually aren't). And an AbiWord end user would have to re-download the
full AbiWord installer to add additional plugins at a later time
(assuming they delete the installer after installing as most users do).

Make sense?

Kind Regards,
Received on Tue Jun 10 08:55:09 2008

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