Enchant dict vs provider

From: Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger_at_uvena.de>
Date: Thu Jun 12 2008 - 20:28:14 CEST


I'm currently writing a spellcheck plugin for Geany (a little IDE).

With enchant_broker_list_dicts() I get listed different dictionaries
from different providers, for instance. de, de_AT and de_DE from
aspell and from myspell. This is cool.

But when I create a EnchantDict object with enchant_broker_request_dict
(), I specify only a language tag.
The question is, how does Enchant choose the dictionary?
Does it use the first matching dict from the first provider who has
this dict? Or does it automatically use all dictionaries matching the
name from all providers which have this dict?

I guess it uses the first dict found.
If so, can I choose a provider before?

Besides this, Enchant is great!


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Received on Thu Jun 12 20:28:52 2008

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