Creation of AbiSource Corportation B.V. and grand plans

From: Martin Sevior <>
Date: Thu May 15 2008 - 13:43:21 CEST

Hello everyone,
                          Marc has just committed his initial patch to
allow abicollab to connect to the service.

This code is pure GPL 2+ but it belongs to AbiSource Corportation B.V.

This is a new company jointly own by Marc Maurer, BetterBe Inc and
myself in equal shares.

The purpose of the company is to commercialize our new webservice at

We are offering a unique service tha no one else can. If we're
successful we plan to employ abi hackers to accelerate the development
of the abiword word processor and maybe other Free Software
productivity applications. Of course the code in AbiWord will always
be 100% free software.

Marc and I think this augers a new era in the development of AbiWord
and we're very excited about our future prospects together.

Thanks once again to everyone who has contributed to AbiWord so far.
We hope to be able to build upon your contributions to enable AbiWord
to reach even more people.


Martin and Marc
Received on Thu May 15 13:43:42 2008

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