From AbiWord-user on 2.6.x in Hindi.

From: Martin Sevior <>
Date: Tue May 27 2008 - 06:20:59 CEST

Dinbandhu <>


I use Abiword in Linux-- specifically, Abiword 2.6.3 in Ubuntu 8.04, and
Abiword 2.6.2 in Puppy 3.01. I do a lot of typing in Hindi using SCIM
m17n. Until now I've done all my typing in OOo Writer, but am trying to
switch over to Abiword for reasons of speed.

Abiword 4.x was impossible to use with Hindi fonts in SCIM m17n because
all the font rendering was incorrect. Also, the word wrap feature did
not work in Hindi. Abiword would leave half a word at the end of one
line and just continue the last half of the word on the next line.

When the new version of Abiword came out (2.6.x), I was excited to try
it because I heard that many advancements were made in the area of
different languages and their fonts.

I have found that there are indeed improvements for SCIM m17n Hindi
users: 1) the word wrap feature now works, so words are no longer cut in
half from one line to the next.
       2) When written in isolation at the very beginning of a text file
or at the beginning of a line even, all the rendering is correct.

However the following problem remains in 2.6.2 (Puppy 3.01) and 2.6.3
(Ubuntu 8.04):

Following any mark of punctuation such as ,.!"';: the font rendering is
all wrong just as it was in 2.4.x. Also following any word written in
English, the same wrong font rendering happens. In 2.6.2 in Puppy, I
only recall the problem being as far as this. In 2.6.3 in Ubuntu, it is
even worse because in any given line of text, even if the first word is
in Hindi itself, the second Hindi word's font rendering will be wrong.

Do to this above described issue, SCIM m17n Hindi is still unusable in

Have the above issues with 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 been raised?
Has any solution been sought yet?

Thank you,

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Received on Tue May 27 06:21:33 2008

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