Another assignment for GSoC students

From: Martin Sevior <>
Date: Thu Apr 08 2010 - 13:41:11 CEST

Hi GSoC'er's,

I've been asked privately for how to improve one's chances of being
accepted into GSoC program for the GUI dialog project.

The answer I gave was the following:

The Borders and Shading dialog which is the core of this project will
share a lot of the same code with the
src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_FormatFrame.(cpp,h) dialog, along with the
platform code in the gtk,win32 and OSX directories.

You will improve your chances of being selected if you can clearly
explain how you will reuse the code from
in the Paragraph Borders and Shading dialogs.

I hope everyone realizes that I intend to give everyone an equal
chance to do the best they can. There is no need to ask me privately
for hints.

Best regards,

Received on Thu Apr 8 13:42:06 2010

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