Third report from Ersin

From: Ersin Akinci <>
Date: Sat Jun 26 2010 - 07:37:48 CEST

Hi all

For the past two weeks, I concentrated on implementing a "virtual
canvas" for displaying pages, which is fundamental to both my proposal
for non-linear page flows and much needed performance improvements.
The idea is that each page has its own set of xy coords in layout
units that define the position of its upper left hand corner. In my
particular implementation, I've made it so that each page also has
four new pointers that point to whichever page is currently above,
below, and to the left and right, and these pointers constitute four
linked lists.

The new FV_View::_draw function that I implemented then picks whatever
page the cursor is at as a starting point and traverses along each
linked list comparing the pages' xy coords to the xy offset of the
clipping rectangle where the pages are displayed. While typing on a
given page, for instance, _draw now only traverses three or four pages
(one/two pages actually but four times) regardless of where the focus
is on the document. Previously it was starting at the beginning of
the document and traversing through each page, summing the combined xy
offsets of the pages, and comparing those offsets to the clipping
rectangle's coords, which meant that large documents (I've been
working with two, one 300+ pages and the other 3000+ pages) were
effectively unusable.

They are still unusable, but now for different reasons =).
Implementing the canvas and rewriting _draw were critical, but now
other inefficiencies remain, the other really big one being
FB_ColumBreaker.cpp:_breakSection(), which for example will traverse
all 3000 pages if you press enter on the first page. I also suspect
that some of the utility functions related to vectors, especially
getNthItem, may be to blame, and I will look into what I can do to fix
that. On that note, I've noticed that memory usage is absolutely
terrible. In 2.8.6, I can't even open my test files because after 2
GB I run out of memory and swap is unbearably slow. With my branch,
which has Joaquin's new tree piecetable implemented, memory usage caps
at under 1 GB, which is much better but still awful considering that
this is a plain text file. OpenOffice, in contrast, opens almost
instantly and is using just under 150 MB of RAM. I would suggest that
I might look at how they do things, but not only is it liable to be
totally different, I am still scarred by trying to cross compile OOo,
from which I learned how complicated their code base is.

Another big problem is that apparently my code is working for me but
not for others! Martin reported last night that the screen no longer
updates when he scrolls down to the bottom of the test document I've
been working from. I made a video demonstrating that it works for me,
but it's a 280 MB Theora-encoded OGV sure whether
YouSendIt will take files that large =). I'd appreciate it if others
could checkout my branch (gsoc2010lognpt) and give it a whirl. Some
details need to be fixed (e.g., scrolling is jagged now), but the
basics should work. I should mention here that printing and multiple
page views also work with my new code.

Over the next two weeks, I plan to further refine my canvas
implementation and to look into the _breakSection and utility methods
that are still slowing things down. Also, I don't know how people
would feel about this, but I would be willing to go through the source
files that I'm working with and give everything a "fashion makeover".
By this, I mean that a lot of really important members and attributes
are given really strange names (e.g., the variables that describe the
clipping rectangle's xy pos are called m_iXScrollOffset and
m_iYScrollOffset) and groups of members that do logically similar
functions have completely arbitrary naming schemes. Also, whitespace
indentation in the header files sorely needs to be cleaned up. This
may seem silly, but for those like me who are new to the code base, it
makes a world of a difference, and if it isn't cleaned up it may lead
to duplicate code in the future. I spent at least a few days trying
to find a way to report the clipping rectangle's xy coords until I
happened to stumble upon m_iX/YScrollOffset by pure dumb luck.


Ersin Y. Akinci --
What Digital Revolution? --
Thinking critically about digital worlds.
Received on Sat Jun 26 07:37:59 2010

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