How to paste the content of a document with pyabiword

From: Gonzalo Odiard <>
Date: Fri Nov 05 2010 - 21:19:07 CET

I am trying to solve a ticket from the Write activity:

I tried different ideas but without success:

1) Create a temp_canvas and use the clipboard:

                        temp_canvas = abiword.Canvas()
                        if mime_type in ['text/plain', 'text/csv'] or \
                                'text/plain' in mime_parents:
                            temp_canvas.load_file('file://' + file_path,
                            temp_canvas.load_file('file://' + file_path, '')
                        text =
                        logging.error('test = %s' % text)

The text is displayed in the log, but no text is pasted in the main canvas.

2) get content and insert it

If I do
                        data =

Insert the text of the abiword file (the xml file

I can copy only the text, without formating doing:

                        text =

There are any way to copy all the content form a file in the opened
file with format?

Received on Fri Nov 5 21:19:15 2010

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