chenxiajian_enchant_dict_hyphenationSuggest ?

From: chenxiajian1985 <>
Date: Tue Jun 14 2011 - 15:37:35 CEST

I try to implement hyphenation using enchant. so I add one method in enchant.
enchant_dict_hyphenationSuggest (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word,
                                                                 ssize_t len, size_t * out_n_suggs);

there is two problems that I need to solve firstly:
1. Is there some imformation that can be used for hyphenation using hunspell or aspell
   I notice that the "enchant_dict_suggest" method using the following method:
   ispell_dict_suggest: provided by spell
   uspell_dict_suggest: we implemented it
   voikko_dict_suggest: we implemented it
   zemberek_dict_suggest : we implemented it
   In the ISpellChecker, only method for spelling-check:checkWord, suggestWord... but from [1] we can see that there is hyphenation imformation in aspell..

2. what is the best way to encode hyphenation results from enchant
   now I used (char **) to save the hyphenation results:
   such as : the word "hyphenation" can be save as:
   "hy-phen-ation" "hyphen-ation"....
   Is there other better way?

 chen xiajian


Received on Tue Jun 14 15:37:40 2011

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