Hello, About Speed Ups For Large Documents and A Possible Bug(?)

From: Pratyai Mazumder <feynmanthecurious_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue Mar 27 2012 - 08:11:36 CEST


I'm Pratyai Mazumder, a final year student of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering; this would be my first time in GSoC though. I
am hoping to contribute to Abiword development to some extent.

I've done the additional requirement tasks, and am reading the codes,
docs folder documents, doxygen etc. trying to understand how the
source code is organized. If there are other sources of information
for that I would be very glad to know about them.

On the Ideas Page, it says there will be a project to speed up large
documents focusing on _breakSection which as I understand is called
for section breaks like newlines(?). But, just my thought, the stated
kind of change could occur even for a simple character
insertion/deletion so that "Abiword shuffles the all the lines
following the line to reflect this change", so probably there are
other functions which should be involved for the speed up purpose. As
I said earlier I've only started to study the source tree, and these
are just my initial thoughts and may be inappropriate.


--- Pratyai.

While writing this, I found this crash occurring in the abiword I just
built. I am not very familiar with the bug tracking methods like
bugzilla and stuffs, and it might took much time to get hold of those,
so while I am on that, I would like to mention it here in case someone
already knows about it.
in the abiword/docs folder : I executed "../src/abiword
next_layout.zabw" (without quotes) in terminal, and "ctrl+F" searched
for "section" (without quotes) and pressed "find" button several times
until it reaches end of the files and then `crashes`.
This bug is reproducible for me, as it happens every-time I do as I
said above. Debug output link : http://ideone.com/9a6ox
Received on Tue Mar 27 08:11:45 2012

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