Qt port

From: Hubert Figuière <hfiguiere_at_teaser.fr>
Date: Tue Apr 30 2013 - 02:26:02 CEST


This the part I promised when I put up the Qt port on the SoC ideas.


I have some patches to bootstrap a Qt4 port of AbiWord. It currently
build, but still do not show the main frame. Nor anything else. In short
it is not functional, that's where the SoC project come to play if it
Using Qt4 as a toolkit for AbiWord. This *would* allow it to run on Mac,
Windows and Linux without having to tweak all 3 toolkits.
The long term is to actually get rid of Cocoa and Win32 and support
these platforms through Qt4 because it is simpler.
Currently this is just an experiment.
I'll wait after SoC to even pursue anything with this, if there is an
accepted project, I expect progress being done.
Pass --enable-qt to configure. Currently it is only tested on Linux.
Received on Tue Apr 30 02:26:25 2013

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