Aiksaurus source code

From: Hubert Figuière <>
Date: Wed Dec 25 2013 - 22:31:24 CET


It seems that Aiksaurus has fallen unmaintained and its source code was
buried into our old CVS repository.

So I have converted it to git and put it up on Github.

Given that Debian had a pre-release 1.2.1 packaged, I bumped it to 1.2.2
and fixed a few things to build on recent Linux systems - it is not
really tested.

But it still needs to be ported to Gtk3 to run on with 3.0 with Gtk3.
See bug

And no I'm not claiming maintainership but I just wanted to make it
easier for new contributors.

The website for it still needs to be updated, etc.


Received on Wed Dec 25 22:31:39 2013

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