Enchant and wv moved to GitHub

From: Hubert Figuière <hfiguiere_at_teaser.fr>
Date: Wed Jul 24 2013 - 03:06:31 CEST


At Dom's request, I converted and moved wv and Enchant repositories to

Their subversion repositories will be marked as read-only very soon
(once I figure out the complexity of svn to do that)

I created an AbiWord organisation to that effect. Dom and I are owners,
but I want to add a few more people (Marc, Martin, Simon)

There is also still the git mirror of AbiWord source code, but this is
to be considered as read-only

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

And no, AbiWord migration to git isn't planned, even though I'd love to.

Received on Wed Jul 24 03:06:47 2013

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