[GSoC 2013] Working with Abiword on a Qt Port

From: Alex-P. Natsios <apnatsios_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon Mar 25 2013 - 21:10:50 CET

Greetings everyone from the warm and sunny Greece,

As suggested i waited for the start of the GSoC procedure to submit my
idea/introduction ..so here goes...

My name is Alexandros-Panayiotis Natsios (also known as Alex-P.
Natsios or "Drakevr").
I am an undergraduate in the Computer Science (cs) department of the
Technological Institute of Larissa, Greece.

I have been around a few open source C++ projects like Haiku-os and
would like to appy for GSoC this year with Abiword which i have been
using for a while as my word processor.

I am interested in porting Abiword to the Qt platform/Toolkit.

I have already checked out and built abiword (application patch included)[0].
I plan to work on this project using Qt 4.8.4 as a target Toolkit
version since it is the one available on most architectures/Operating
Systems at the time of this writing.

I suppose next steps would be:
1) to get my hands on the patchset Hubert (hub) mentioned on IRC that
bootstrap a preliminary/basic Qt port and bring them up to date so
that they work with trunk HEAD.
2) after that to talk it over with the mentor (that would be mr.
Kathiravelu Pradeeban i guess?)
and discuss things in more detail (like setting goals more solid
requirements etc).

[0] https://www.dropbox.com/s/9rmrz9tyxmpusel/2013-03-25-214452_1435x395_scrot.png

Alex-P. Natsios
(a.k.a Drakevr)
Received on Mon Mar 25 21:11:22 2013

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