Haiku port

From: Edward Robbins <edd.robbins_at_googlemail.com>
Date: Tue Mar 26 2013 - 17:09:14 CET

Hi all,
I've been slowly working at getting abiword working on haiku again. I
found the old beos code (last alive in svn revision 16940), have
copied it into the appropriate places in the abiword 2.8.6 source
tree, and have been working on getting it re-integrated into the build
system. Then comes actually updating the code to match the current
APIs (both abiword and haiku/beos). Looking at API changes between
these two versions, it looks like getting the build system working may
be the more challenging of the two tasks, especially as I'm not so hot
with autotools so I've basically been working through automake files
one at a time without really knowing if what I'm doing is completely
correct (or maybe this what almost everyone does with autotools :D).

This mail isn't really to ask any specific questions, but more a hello
message. I've been quietly working on this for a while, and after some
talk on the haiku forums
I decided contacting you guys might help me push it along a bit.
Hopefully you might also be able to help when I'm stuck in
understanding what a specific AM file is meant to do!

Received on Tue Mar 26 17:09:22 2013

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