AbiWord 0.3.0 and other goodies

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Tue, 01 Dec 1998 16:26:13 -0800

A new month, a new release level. Kind of symmetric, dontcha think?

We've done a ton of work since our last tarball in mid-November, and are
*quite* happy with the results. So happy, in fact, that we've:

- bumped up to a new release level,
- refreshed our entire website, and
- publicly announced that we're now GPL.

For those who want to know what's changed since the last tarball (0.1.6),
here's the relevant Bonsai query in all its gory glory:


If that's like drinking from a firehose and you'd like a tidier summary, let
me know and I'll see what we can come up with.

Also, anyone who lives in the Bay Area is highly encouraged to come to
tomorrow night's meeting of the Silicon Valley Linux User's Group (SVLUG) at
Netscape in Mountain View, where Richard Stallman will be talking about the


I'll be there handing out some AbiSource t-shirts, so any abiword-dev folks
who'll be there should let me know in advance so I can set one aside for
you. :-)



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