GTK+ Version Strategy

Shaw Terwilliger (
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 14:39:52 -0600

I'm calling this our "strategy" instead of a "policy" because it's
hard to impose them when what they cover moves so fast.

New snapshots of the 1.1 tree of GTK+ come out once every
few weeks now, and there have been some changes to some recent
versions (1.1.6) which have made our tree unbuildable.
Since I usually use a CVS snapshot of the glib and gtk+
trees from the GNOME CVS server, I've got some warning as to
what will be in the upcoming tarballs. This allows me some
time to look at what functions might have changed and what
we'll need to do to make our code work with them.

gtk_container_[set_]border_width() was one of these. It would
be easy enough to do a check for the installed version of
GTK+ and call the proper function, and as this only affects
about 8 places in our code, it wouldn't be too ugly. However,
we'd then get to go back some time in the future to remove the
checks, and fix possibly more such hacks.

I really don't want to do this. I'd like to define our
"strategy" as such:

Our latest tarballs should build with the latest
snapshot of GTK+ available when they were released.
For example, AbiWord 0.3.0 will build with GTK+ 1.1.5.

Our CVS versions of AbiWord should build with the
latest snapshot of GTK+ available that minute.
As an added bonus, our CVS versions might also compile
with the latest versions of the GTK+ CVS source,
but this is pretty hard to guarantee.
For example, tonight's CVS snapshot should build with
GTK+ 1.1.6, since it's the latest snapshot as of today.

So, if you're building tarballs only, just make sure you have
a recent GTK+ snapshot when you download the tarball. If you're
doing builds off our anonymous CVS tree, make sure you've got
the latest GTK+ snapshot when you're building. If you've got
a CVS version of GTK+, it will probably build too.

Shaw Terwilliger (

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