multiple window support now in CVS

Paul Rohr (
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 22:35:43 -0800

FYI. I'm not sure how many folks are religious about updating from the
nightly drops to the anonymous CVS server, but just in case...

I just checked in a mess o' changes to the abi/src/wp/ap/* directories to
allow multiple simultaneous top-level windows. Given the time zones, I'm
not actually sure whether they made it into tonight's drop or not.

It's almost all XP code, I've tested it pretty thoroughly on NT, and I've
sketched in enough of the GTK code to know that it builds there too. It
might even run, but I haven't seen it in action yet. :-)

If you want to barrage me with patches, feel free. Given my schedule this
week, I'm unlikely to be able to address bug reports before Monday



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