Re: Just checking on Calc...

Dan Schreiber (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 09:23:42 -0600

Calc is a ways from working on Windows. We are moving towards making
Miguel's code cross-platform, and have done some work to split it into an
engine and GUIs. The Windows GUI is mostly unimplemented at the moment, so
I'd say wait a few more weeks ...

At 12:14 AM 11/21/98 -0500, James wrote:
>I'm sure it's not ready, or it would be in the main build, but I tried a
>compile anyway, and got the following (win98, vc++ 6 sp1)
>sheet.cpp(151) : error C2664: 'show_sheet_view' : cannot convert parameter
>1 from 'void *' to 'struct HWND__ *'
> Conversion from 'void*' to pointer to non-'void' requires an
>explicit cast
>Also, in regards to the new LXR and Bonsai setups... Excellent :)

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