commit -- vi bindings

Nigel Stepp (
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 16:34:39 -0400 (EDT)

I just checked in the rest of the vi key bindings.

There seems to be some weirdness with some of the del edit methods
(delEOL, delBOL). I think the bug lies somewhere in fp_View::delTO() (or
rather something it calls).

Completed commands:
^,|,$ - move to beginning (^,|) and end ($) of line
/,?,n - find (? is supposed to be find backwards, n is find again)
A,I,O,a,i,o - append and insert
P,p - paste
x,X,D - delete
[,],(,),b,e,w - move by block, sentence, and word
h,j,k,l - character movement
r - replace
c,d,y (change, delete, yank) with ^,$,(,),b,w,[,and ]
dd,yy (Y works for yy)
:e,:w, and :q (:wq will not work (but it could I suppose))

Some of the line commands, when used in a block (like o or O) don't do
quite what you expect. They add a line break at the end of a line, but if
that is a wrapped line, there is no visible difference. This should be
able to be fixed.

$ fortune -s
I read the newspaper avidly.  It is my one form of continuous fiction.
		-- Aneurin Bevan

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