Re: IRIX Saga: Continued..

Shaw Terwilliger (
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 12:45:31 -0500

Bob Monaghan wrote:
> Here is the URL for the Abi People..

Thanks for the pointer!

> Also, would someone briefly outline where various directories are
> placed, when
> a "gmake install" is run? I wish to create an " .tardist" file for irix
> users so that the
> standard installation tool that the IRIX OS uses can do the
> installation. (much like .rpm
> files for Linux).

The .tar.gz installer (for all Unix platforms) fills /usr/local/AbiSuite
with program files, and /usr/local/bin with two symlinks (AbiWord and
abiword, both point to /usr/local/AbiSuite/bin/AbiWord). The prefix
of the install (default is "/usr/local") and the location of the
symbolic links (default is "/usr/local/bin") can be set through the
install script.

This is as neutral a layout as I could assemble for Unix platforms.
Different installers, however, put things in different places. For
example, the Linux RPM package puts most things in /usr/share/abisuite,
and symlinks/bins/wrappers in /usr/bin/X11. That's because that's
how Red Hat systems are most often composed. Similar things happen
for Debian installers.

The rule of thumb when creating a tardist installer is to just
put things where most SGI systems would expect to find them.
I'm not very familiar with IRIX, so I'm not real sure about where
to suggest.

Adding the installer itself is pretty easy. Take a look at
abi/src/pkg/irix/Makefile. In it is a line that says:

# TODO : add tardist format here?

... that's probably where the targets for tardist should go. :)
For a working (but someone complicated) example of how to add a
new target, look at abi/src/pkg/linux/Makefile for the RPM
targets. You could also look at abi/src/pkg/common/unix/
for the rules; notice how is included in each Unix pkg

> The last message I got from Shaw a while back was to get the latest
> version
> of AbiWord from CVS, heheheh, but I have no desire to learn CVS, right
> now.

Checking out our tree is as easy as:

export CVSROOT=""
cvs login
<type "anoncvs">
cvs co abi abidistfiles expat unixfonts wv

As long as your CVSROOT variable is set, you won't need to do a "cvs
login" again in that tree. You can simply use "cvs co <module names>"
to co (or "check out") modules, or "cvs update <module names>" to
synchronize any local files with changes that may have happened
in the repository.

Shaw Terwilliger

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