Reading Abiword files on NT4

Magnus Sundberg (
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:06:53 +0200

Dear sirs,
I really appreciate your effort on the abiword project.
I'm not a subscriber to this list.
Anyway, I tried the WindowsNT version 0.7.4 on my computer.
My computer is running NT 4.00.1381, I think it is with service pack 4,
but I'm not 100% sure.
I could start the program without problem.
I found some .abw files in the same directory as the roadmap,
for example AbiSource_DialogFramework.abw but my distribution of
abiword would not open that file.

Magnus Sundberg

Magnus Sundberg           Radio Design AB
Radio Engineering         Box 1223
Phone +46 8 477 99 00     S-164 28 KISTA
Fax   +46 8 477 99 29     SWEDEN

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