fp_Run and friends

Antony G. Roach (aroach@texas.net)
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:08:21 -0500

I am trying to get to know the AbiWord source code by fixing some bugs
I looked up in Bugzilla. I was looking at bug #449 which led me to
fp_BlockLayout.cpp and fp_Run.cpp. I'm now trying to figure out exactly
what the fp_BlockLayout and fp_Run are used for. There aren't any high
level comments decribing the classes that I could find. Is their any
documention decribing this part of the code? I get the idea that
fp_DocLayout describes the formating of a complete document, and
fp_BlockLayout.cpp and fp_Run.cpp describe the layout of smaller pieces
of the document (is that right?). Any pointers to more information or
even a short description of these classes would be a big help.

I haven't looked through much of the source yet, but I did notice that
the files in abi/src/text/fmt/xp are hardly commented. I think that some
high level comments describing the classes, interfaces, and data members
would help people like me who are new to the code. If I added comments
to the code as I went through it, would you guys accept patches of my
changes and incorporate them into your development tree? I did notice
that the method and data member names are descriptive for the
classesI looked at, which makes them pretty self documenting, but it's
still hard to figure out what is going on when you just dive into the
source for the first time.


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