wv and .doc exports?

Subject: wv and .doc exports?
From: Emile Snyder (emile@reed.edu)
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 19:11:11 CST

Hello all,

I've been subscribed to this list for some time, just to keep track of
abiword progress, and I'm very impressed by its steady development. It's
getting very close to "just working" for alot of my needs.

I was wondering if someone more familiar with the wv codebase might
comment on future possibilities of Word export functionality? Is there a
fairly straightforward way for this to happen, and it's waiting on
programmer time, or is this a complicated design problem in it's own
right. If someone wanted to start thinking about this, and poking around,
where would you recommend they begin?


ESR: I want to live in a world where software doesn't suck.
RMS: Any software that isn't free sucks.
Linus: I'm interested in free beer.
          - As reported by Elizabeth O. Coolbaugh of LWN
            from LinuxWorld Conference and Expo

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