finishing up your 0.7.7 stuff (was: styles)

Subject: finishing up your 0.7.7 stuff (was: styles)
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 13:36:29 CST

At 12:39 PM 12/7/99 -0600, Stephen Hack wrote:
>Is anybody working on styles? I'm considering creating the styles dialog and
>tieing in the pull down menubar.

Not to my knowledge. However, before you dive into this, I'd like to make
sure you're done with all the other great work you've been doing recently.
In particular,

1. Could you summarize for the list where you are on the Options dialog?
Are all the tabs completely populated to your satisfaction, and do all the
controls on each tab Just Work the way you want? I suspect people have been
holding off on testing or porting this dialog because it's felt like a
moving target.

Zeroing in on this would really help, because it's the biggest question mark
remaining before we ship 0.7.7, hopefully later this week.

2. Likewise, I presume that View/Rulers is now done to your satisfaction,
and you don't mind my EditMethods hack to make that state more persistent.
However, without a SHAZAM from you I'm not sure.

Also, it might be nice if you could do a quick writeup of what this feature
took to implement, so that whoever implements View/Toolbars (and View/Status
Bar) can follow in your footsteps.

3. Ditto for Tabs. For example, are you satisfied with the formatter
interactions between paragraph alignment and various kinds of tabs (which
can get quite messy)? Also, were you interested in tackling tab leaders
(which will come into play as soon as someone tackles the Tabs dialog for
0.7.8), or should we save that task for someone else?

bottom line
Please don't get me wrong. I'm *thrilled* with all the great work you've
been doing lately. You've been having a very visible impact on the product,
and you should take a lot of pride in what you've accomplished.

My goal is just to make sure that you've reached a clean, well-defined
stopping point on each of these features that you've been working on, before
you move on to something else.

That way, if there's any work remaining to finish or polish those features,
we all know whether to:

  a) bug you about it, or
  b) go take care of it ourselves. :-)



PS: I'll send another note in a few minutes to fill you in more about
what's going on with styles.

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