GNOME support

Subject: GNOME support
From: Josh Barrow (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 13:47:58 CST


I just downloaded the new AbiWord, and tried to compile GNOME support into it.
It compiled fine. but when I do a make install, it gives me an error. Here is
the error:

ap_UnixGnomeDialog_Replace.o(.text+"hex number): undefinded reference to

There are also several other similar error messages that instead of
'gnome_dialog_get_type' it says 'gnome_app_get_type', 'gnome_app_set_contents',
'gnome_app_set_statusbar', 'gnome_dialog_new', and several other.

I'm sorry if this isn't the right thing to be mailing.


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