commit -- getopt gone

Subject: commit -- getopt gone
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 16:30:30 CST

Robert Sievers wrote:
> Shaw wrote:
> >I don't think we use any functions in ut_getopt.c at all. The
> >abi/src/af/util/xp/Makefile has an "ifdef UNIX; build getopt.c; endif"
> >part to it, and even then it's not really used (just built). Someone
> >should make sure we don't call any functions in it, and if so,
> >remove it from the tree (and Makefiles).

I've removed getopt (abi/src/af/util/xp/ut_getopt.[ch]) from the tree,
and from the two Makefiles that referenced it, and from the single
Unix .cpp that included ut_getopt.h. We weren't actually using
getopt for any platforms.

Shaw Terwilliger

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