Re: Windows version help

Subject: Re: Windows version help
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 00:11:05 CST

At 10:04 PM 12/20/99 -0500, Richard Jefts wrote:
>I downloaded the latest cvs version on my nt box. When I run Abiword from
>a cygwin command prompt window I can't get any output to go to it. No
>debug messages appear even though I built a debug build.

This may be an artifact of using VC to build with. I know that if you run a
debug executable from within VC, all that debug output will go to VC's debug
window. However, AFAIK, somebody still needs to figure out how to let
Windows know to use cygwin's stdout for the same purpose.

Here's the relevant snippet from the Win32 docs:

-- snip --


The OutputDebugString function sends a string to the debugger for the
current application.

VOID OutputDebugString( LPCTSTR lpOutputString
 // pointer to string to be displayed


Points to the null-terminated string to be displayed.

Return Values
This function does not return a value.

If the application has no debugger, the system debugger displays the string.
If the application has no debugger and the system debugger is not active,
OutputDebugString does nothing.

-- snip --

I haven't dug into cygwin enough to know whether or how to get it to
register itself as the "debugger" for a Win32 app, so that it can receive
these messages. (Note that this may be quite different than the gcc/gdb
interaction that cygwin was designed for.)

Still, it might make for an interesting project for someone...


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