Filters [Was Re: AbiWord 0.3.4]
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 01:18:18 +1100

While we're on the subject of filters, I might note an idea I have. It might
be helpful, or it might be totally braindead (it's currently 2AM).

I was thinking, rather than putting a whole lot of effort into writing filters,
why not write a simple description language for converting files. (Or even use
part of an existing one, eg. based on the regex library)

That would provide a few benefits:

- It will (hopefully) take all of the C or C++ fluff out of writing a
filter, and provide a more suitable language for writing filters in.

- It will take code out of the binary, making a filter nothing more than
a config file.

- It has the possibility of becoming an import format standard (especially with
GPLed code), which will mean more/better filters from users of other projects.

I don't think speed is much of an issue when importing a document, as usually
it is fast enough on it's own.

But, then again, I don't know how you'd tackle the extremely binary file
formats with embedded objects in them :(

-- Michael Samuel <>

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