Re: suggestions & observations
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 10:47:34 +1000

On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 05:04:10PM -0500, Robert Sievers wrote:

> Right now it isn't. John Brewer did some early work to get AbiWord to
> compile, so it isn't as if you would be starting from scratch. However,
> there is a fair amount of work that has to be done there. As of right now,
> I do not believe anyone has volunteered to a get Mac port going.

I have a Mac, and downloaded MPW. Now, if I could find some good docs on the
Mac API, you can consider me semi-volunteered. (I won't be able to do it on
my own as I'm too busy, but I would be able to get specific (smallish) things
going, one at a time)

-- Michael Samuel <>

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