Re: AbiSource binaries for FreeBSD

Shaw Terwilliger (
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 20:43:10 -0500

On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 06:37:00PM -0700, Paul Rohr wrote:
> If you have more detailed questions, Jeff and Shaw did most of the original
> packaging work, and Darren Benham is in the process of replacing the current
> rpm-via-alien hack with the necessary native Debian tools.

The Linux packaging got pretty hairy, but considering the job
of getting RPM to build automatically, I'm not so sure it's a
bad job. :)

abi/src/pkg/common/unix has some targets for basic .tar.gz
packages of the binaries, plus a simple wrapper script template
that's put into the installer package. This wrapper script would
just become the program launcher in the FreeBSD port. If you want
any more details about the layout of the Unix build system,
package system, or run-time system, just ask me.

> Nothing fancy -- unless you want to slake Shaw's machine lust. :-) As for
> where, see:
> Essentially we just want a box that's already configured to build and run
> AbiWord reliably without taking eons to do so, which also has an ethernet
> card so we can put it on the net. I know nothing about the usual desktop
> environment on FreeBSD, but a current GTK/GLIB install would be nice.

Actually, just about any machine that would build AbiWord in a decent
amount of time and has a 10baseT ethernet card would be fine. A blank hard
drive and a fresh FreeBSD CD would be fine. :) I haven't installed FreeBSD
since the 2.2 days, and most of my recent BSD installs have been NetBSD on
mysterious and arcane computing machinery.

Don't feel obligated to worry about the package installation details
(X libraries, glib, gtk), it shouldn't take me more than a few minutes
to get that set up, since the FreeBSD ports collection covers most (probably
all) of the required libraries.

Shaw Terwilliger

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