Re: AbiSource binaries for FreeBSD

Jordan K. Hubbard (
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 18:20:15 -0700

> At 09:36 PM 6/18/99 -0700, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> >I notice that there's no precompiled binaries for FreeBSD on your binary
> >download page. What resources would it take to change this?
> Essentially, three things:
> 1. A designated maintainer who'd be willing to commit to resolving
> FreeBSD-specific issues, if any. The core team is pretty swamped right now,
> so this needs to be someone new.

Actually, this depends entirely on the amount of time required. If
it's just a few hours a week, we've got a few spare cycles. I'd be
willing to take this on myself, in fact. I've been known to help
Applix with porting their product to FreeBSD, why not yours? :)

> 2. Information on the de facto standards for user-friendly packages,
> installs, and uninstalls on FreeBSD systems -- preferably in the form of
> patches. (Effectively enough to make sure that the FreeBSD version is as
> easily installed as the other platforms. This is likely to eventually
> include porting our graphical setup program to GTK, although that's unlikely
> to have any FreeBSD-specific ramifications.)

It would probably be easiest for me to just make a "package" target
for whatever FreeBSD-specific makefile or makefile macros you use.
The FreeBSD package system is more than a little arcane, but I'm
reasonably familiar with it given that I'm also the author. :)

> 3. A preconfigured machine to add to our build farm. :-)

Can you give me some idea as to the specs desired for this? We might
be able to scratch something up. Where do you also want it sent, or
would it live here on our network?

- Jordan

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