RE: MS Word

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 10:25:49 -0700

At 09:17 AM 7/13/99 +0100, Caolan McNamara wrote:
>I have a very simple importer for abiword which i havent in the tree yet,
>but i'll stick it in tomorrow for perusal.

Great! We're really looking forward to seeing this! :-)

Have you and Shaw figured out yet how you're going to merge in his changes
from the hacked version to make sure everything works on other platforms?
(I think this was mostly makefile changes, but I haven't looked.)

>But thats only what the wv lib is at, the abiword folk might have a different
>viewpoint on matters.

Not at all. The whole reason we've been using a hacked version of Caolan's
earlier mswordview code was because we wanted to take advantage of all his
expertise on all the intricacies of the Word file formats.

We're thrilled about the work Caolan's doing to concentrate all of that
expertise into the wv library. As soon as that effort stabilizes and we can
wrap a reliable importer around it, we definitely plan to upgrade to it.
The fact that we've had to rely on the existing "hack" for so long has been
more than mildly embarrassing. :-)


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