Re: icons for bold, italic, strikeout for the danish

Jeff Hostetler (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 15:28:58 -0500

if you'll make up the XPM's we'll put them in the build.
it shouldn't take someone very long. you could probably
even do it in emacs in 2d mode....


At 07:29 PM 7/15/99 +0000, Martin Willemoes Hansen wrote:
>Hi Abi's!
>Can there be made Danish counter parts of the icons for bold, italic
>etc? Its only 3 more letters which needs to be done for the Danish l10n.
>Bold == Fed
>Italic == Kursiv
>Strikeout == Gennemstreget
>Hope these can be done for the next release.
>Best regards
>Martin Willemoes Hansen
>IRC MWH/DR_NICK ; ircnet, openprojects
>ICQ 11597690

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