Want to be in the AbiWord booth at LinuxWorld?

Eric W. Sink (eric@postman.abisource.com)
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 14:26:24 -0500

LinuxWorld Conference and Expo (www.linuxworldexpo.com) will be taking
place next month, August 10-12, in San Jose, California. We'd would
like to solicit the assistance of any project participants who would
be willing to help staff the booth on behalf of the project. We will
have a few of our own company staff there as well, but since AbiWord
is a community-developed project, it seems like a good idea to open
the booth staffing to anyone else on the AbiWord team.

In past trade shows, spending time in the booth has been really
educational. It's an excellent opportunity to interact with real
users, and to see the sheer level of enthusiasm which people have for
this project.

If you're going to be in the Bay area during August 10-12 next month,
and would be willing to stand in the booth and answer technical
questions about the project for a while, please let us know.
Specifically, email Scott Boesch (scott@abisource.com) and let *him*
know. ;-)


Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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