Re: footnotes, page numbers, TOC
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 11:02:14 +1000

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 12:09:43PM -0700, Paul Rohr wrote:

> There's some minimal work in the header / footer code for page numbers right
> now. See abi/test/wp/footer.abw for an example.
> What's really needed is a UI for inserting them. The easiest way to do this
> would be to put a simple dialog behind the Insert/Page Numbers menu item.
> The Word-like way to do this would be to raise a modal floating toolbar or
> something when editing headers or footers to allow certain context-specific
> operations there.

Well, I was thinking of having a "format" and a "starting page", where the
"format" is a printf()-like string (With a dialog for pre-set ones), so you
can have "page 2", or "Ruling The World - page 2", or anything else you like.

At the moment, the only information I can picture us needing is the title and
page number, but I'm sure you guys will think of more...

Also, I think we definately need a "start-at-page" thing. It really pissed me
off when I used word, and it would make my front-cover page 1.

> - automatically recognize certain levels of named styles (Heading 1, etc.)
> - insert special markers for other indexable entities
> If the former approach makes the most sense, we do have some rudimentary
> support for named styles already, but there's no GUI for it.

I don't like that approach; users tend to use different styles for different
things when using a WYSIWYG word processor.

How many users do you think will use "Heading 1" for the entire document?
(hint: more than you'd like to imagine)

> As for the latter approach, there was a thread back in March which discussed
> possible implementation ideas for inline marks, but none of those ideas ever
> got implemented.

I vaguely remember that thread, but I don't remember it ever coming to a

> In short, there's still plenty of design and implementation work to be done
> before we see this feature working.

Definately. I'll leave that one to somebody else. I don't wanna touch it,
at-least not until there's a 100% general consensus on it. (which I doubt there
ever will be)

-- Michael Samuel <>

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