Re: cannot open abiword

Justin Bradford (
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 15:45:57 -0500 (CDT)

> very strange problem occurred to me. i just cannot open abiword. when i type
> abiword or AbiWord in an xterminal, the abiword-window startes up, uses all my
> memory, but does not appear. only the window-margins with very nothing in it.
> and i even cant close it with the close-button on the top-right, only by
> pressing ctrl-c in the terminal.

Very odd. Are there any messages output to the xterm? If so, what are
they? Also, can you try running it inside gdb, and when it stops working,
hit ctrl-C and then type 'bt' (for backtrace) and send us all of the
output from gdb? Then we'll know where it's choking.


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